Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Last Song

Also by Nicholas Sparks, s story about love (of course!), second chances and forgiveness.
Ronnie is rebel, vegetarian, almost young adult who is forced to spend summer with his dad. Her brother is very excited, but she hasn't spoken with her dad (or wishes to) since their parents divorced.

I enjoyed it very much because one reads how the characters grow, and mature. They are definetly not static. The story is breath-taking and reminds us that our family and loved ones are the most important in our lifes.

There is also a movie based on the novel starring with Miley Cyrus.

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Best of Me

Nicholas Sparks novels are pretty similar once you've read a couple of them. He enjoys showing the reader the points of view of the different characters.Sparks does a great job at his though, specially the way it is written. It varies with each person and if helps the reader know who's mind one is in.

This story is aboud two adults who were teen star-crossed lovers that meet again. It did remind a little bit about Romeo and Juliet because of the influence of the girl's family. The descriptions are wonderful and Sparks foreshadows very well the upcomming events. 

It teaches us how important our decisions are in our lifes and in the lifes of others, specially of the ones we love the most. 

Definetly a must, but have a some tissues nearby (specially for the las 50 pages).

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Aerialist Artist Arrested

Artist Seanna Sharp was arrested for an unauthorised show on Williamsburg bridge (NY).

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Devil wears Prada

The movie "The devil wears Prada" is based on the novel by Lauren Weisberger.
Andrea gets hired at a fashion magazine named "Runaway". She is junior assitant of the editor, Miranda Priestly who asks her to do impossible tasks, like getting her the not-yet-publish Harry Potter book for her daughters, and other picky favors.

Andrea adapts to the fashion world, she loses weight and starts wearing expensive clothes. Her days depend on Miranda's wishes... even her weekends! Andrea's relationships  with her friends and her boyfriend start to break little by little.

I thought it was a very fun chick-flick. Miranda's character reminds me of Anna Wintour, Vogue Magazine's editor in the US. I've done some research and I've found that Lauren Wiesberger is a former assitant of Anna. She wrote the book after working at Vogue and doing a writing workshop.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Coco before Chanel

I have recently seen Coco Before Chanel. This biographic film narrates the story of young Gabrielle who starts from the bottom of society, but ends at the very top.

It is a french movie made in 2009. The film starts with Gabrielle living in an orphanage. When she grows up, she works in a cabaret singing songs like "Coco" (which means reserved woman), from where she gets her nickname. She learns the art of sewing with the nuns and with her aunts during summer.

From a laison wih Baron Balsan she enters the top of French Society. At this point, she starts designing hats for Balsan's acquaintances and becomes more and more popular.

Her lover, Boy Chapel, encourages her to start a business and lends her money to open it. And so she does, becoming one of the finest designers in Paris.

The photography of the film is warm and comfortable. I also thought it was quite poetic because it uses images and icons to symbolize and foreshadow up-comming events. For example, everytime it rains, something bad happens.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Beach Boys

I just watched "50 First Dates". Touching movie, isn't it?
The theme song is "Wouldn't it be nice". I've heard it so many times since I was 6 that I feel some kind of attachment to it.

The rythm is catchy and fun, and the lyrics are very sweet.
In the movie it plays a major role. I relate songs with people and feelings.
I like to do that myself once in a while. Actually, there are some songs that remind me of a specific part of my childhood or of a certain day.